Toenail Clippers

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Related Categories: Nail Clippers | Clippers
  1. Clip-Right® Ergonomic Nail Clipper

    …Nail Clipper features a hinged lever design that squeezes at the nail end, resulting in greater control and precision. Instead of using the thumb and forefinger, this nail cutter is easy to gently press down using the palm of either hand, for safe cutting of fingernails or toenails with less…

    Clip-Right® Ergonomic Nail Clipper



  2. Side-Angle Clipper

    clipper. Nail clipper has precision blades that are offset to make trimming toenails easy. Heavy duty 4"L stainless steel clippers trim ragged hangnails and cuticles, too.[{"textkey":1,"title":"Description","text":"Trim nails from the side for better grip and firm control with a side nail clipper.

    Side-Angle Clipper



  3. Heavy Duty Toenail Clippers

    Heavy-duty toenail clippers help you maintain nails with less pain. Surgical stainless steel nail cutter features curved blades for safer, easier trimming of ingrown nails. Non-slip rubber grip allows for safe, steady control while trimming even thick, hard-to-cut nails — ideal for anyone with…

    Heavy Duty Toenail Clippers



  4. Beautyful™ 5-in-1 Easy Grip Cordless Nail Pro

    …interchangeable heads to keep your nails looking their best. Shape, smooth and polish fingernails or toenails with ease. This portable nail drill kit delivers more precise results than nail clippers or files. Smooth away rough skin around cuticles, heels and toes. Includes interchangeable nail…

    Beautyful™ 5-in-1 Easy Grip Cordless Nail Pro



  5. Automatic Nail File

    …limited dexterity trim and smooth without hard-to-operate clippers. Features two-speed operation, storage cap and two rotary-action emery heads: small for fingernails, large for toenails. Nail file requires 2 AA batteries (not included). 7" long.[{"textkey":1,"title":"Description","text":"Automatic…

    Automatic Nail File



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