Stretch Tite

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Related Categories: Containers
  1. Stretch-Tite® Premium Plastic Food Wrap

    …stick, tears and doesn't provide you with the food storage effectiveness you need. Heavy-duty Stretch-Tite® Premium Plastic Food Wrap really stretches and clings to surfaces, both in and out of your fridge. This plastic wrap keeps food containers sealed tight and comes in a 516' long convenient…

    Stretch-Tite® Premium Plastic Food Wrap



  2. Freeze Tite Plastic Wrap

    Tired of freezer bags that always seem to let in air? Trying to be smarter about food storage and preservation to reduce the amount of wasted freezer food due to that dreaded freezer burn? Make Freeze-Tite® Plastic Freezer Wrap an essential part of your food storage needs. This ingenious clear…

    Freeze Tite Plastic Wrap



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