Squirrel Goose Outfit

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  1. Squirrel Goose Outfit

    squirrel, and keep the real rascals guessing! Complete with big, bushy tail and chunky front teeth, our squirrel goose outfit includes one jumbo plush acorn for a touch of nutty fun ... inspiring smiles, all season long. With a mischievous expression and soft grey fur, this squirrel goose outfit is…

    Squirrel Goose Outfit



  2. Bumblebee Goose Outfit

    outfits to your outdoor goose throughout the entire year. Looking for truly unique 4th of July decorations? Add an Uncle Sam outfit to this garden décor piece for a Fourth of July decoration that is unlike any other. From his Squirrel outfit and Referee goose outfit to his Pumpkin goose outfit, our…

    Bumblebee Goose Outfit



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