Spaghetti Tongs

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  1. Stainless Steel Spaghetti Tongs

    These pasta tongs toss and serve spaghetti, fettuccini and other long noodles — and also work great for serving salads and fruit platters, grabbing cooked bacon from the frying pan, flipping steaks on the grill, serving bread or biscuits, even doubling as ice cube tongs. Designed with long handles…

    Stainless Steel Spaghetti Tongs



  2. Multi-Purpose Whisking Tongs by Home Marketplace

    Use these multi-purpose whisking tongs to grab cooked eggs or pasta from boiling water, dish up spaghetti or other long noodles, toss and serve salads, turn meat on the barbecue … AND let them work overtime, whipping egg whites or cream with ease. The hardworking kitchen gadget features a lock to…

    Multi-Purpose Whisking Tongs by Home Marketplace



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