Shower Hose

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Related Categories: Tools | Massager
  1. Oxygenics® Amp® Handheld Shower Head

    …seniors. Thanks to the efficient 1.8-GPM shower head, you can save more than $125 annually on water bills too! Install this Oxygenics shower head in minutes without special tools; includes handheld shower, 72" long stainless steel hose that won't clog, holder and plumber's…

    Oxygenics® Amp® Handheld Shower Head



  2. Flexible Watering Wand and Sprinkler

    …flat, fan, angle, jet, soak, center, shower, mist and cone. With the push of a button you can adjust the pressure for each spray pattern, making it easy to gently water flowers in the garden and window box, then move on to water shrubs and trees, wash your car, hose down the aluminum siding, and set…

    Flexible Watering Wand and Sprinkler



  3. Crazy Daisy Sprinkler

    …entertains your family, and can give your dog a playful shower as it flails around spraying cool hose water. Offering decorative charm when not in use, the bright daisy hose sprinkler stakes in the ground and connects to your garden hose for convenient, hands-free watering you can easily move around…

    Crazy Daisy Sprinkler



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