Security Stamp

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  1. Security Roller Stamp with Utility Knife

    …theft stamp tool stands on its own for easy, convenient storage on a desk or countertop. 2 1/4" x 2" x 1 1/4". Durable plastic ID guard stamp roller with ink included.[{"textkey":1,"title":"Description","text":"Handy mail companion helps you stay safe and secure! Security roller stamp includes…

    Security Roller Stamp with Utility Knife



  2. Personalized Presidential Leather Album

    …leather photo album comes in several distinctive colors for color-coordinating variety. These custom leather photo albums hold up to 40 pages, secured by three sturdy metal rings for long-term enjoyment of special memories. * 11" wide by 11 1/2" high * Gold-stamped cover personalization is available…

    Personalized Presidential Leather Album



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