Replacement Wires For Cheese Slicer

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Related Categories: Cheese Slicer | Wire Cheese Slicer
  1. Bamboo Cheese Slicer Replacement Wires Set of 2

    Cheese Slicer Replacement Wires are designed for use with your bamboo cheese board with slicer. Set of 2 easy-to-install wires will keep you slicing and serving as thick or thin as you desire. Each measures 6 1/4" long.[{"textkey":1,"title":"Description","text":"Bamboo Cheese Slicer Replacement

    Bamboo Cheese Slicer Replacement Wires Set of 2



  2. Marble Cheese Slicer

    slicer marble is ideal for keeping cheese at an optimal temperature while its naturally non-stick property allows for smooth slicing without any mess. Crafted with precision, this wire cheese slicer comes equipped with a durable stainless steel wire capable of cutting through soft and hard cheeses

    Marble Cheese Slicer



  3. Replacement Cheese Slicing Wires, Set of 3

    …board or prepping slices for grilled cheese sandwiches, these wires deliver smooth cuts without crumbling even the softest Brie or the hardest Parmesan.  The universal design ensures these cheese slicer wire replacements fit most standard-sized cheese slicers on the market. You'll appreciate…

    Replacement Cheese Slicing Wires, Set of 3



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