Long Reach Grabber

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Related Categories: Grabber | Pick Up Tool | Tools
  1. Tongs Reach Extender

    …extend your reach by nearly 3 feet. Safely grasp hard-to-reach items with the reach extender. The grabber tool has a lightweight wooden rod with sturdy rubberized metal “fingers” and a spring action handle. Magnetic tip attracts needles and nails. Extension grabber is 32"…

    Tongs Reach Extender



  2. Deluxe Pick Up Tool

    Deluxe pick up tool extends a full 32” long or folds for just the right angle. These grab tools reach up and down—lending a helping hand at home or anywhere! They collapse to 17"L for easy travel or storage. Grabbing area measures 5” wide. Plastic,…

    Deluxe Pick Up Tool



  3. Easy Grip Reacher

    …straining. This easy reach gripper makes a great home health gift for someone who may need a little extra help reaching items. The padded grabbers of this reacher tool open to 3" wide and hold up to 5 lbs. This durable and convenient grabber tool measures 31" long x 4 1/2" wide x 1" diameter.…

    Easy Grip Reacher



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