Extra Long Shoe Horn

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Related Categories: Shoe Horn | Shoehorn
  1. Extra Long Shoe Horn

    An aid for independent living. This extra long shoe horn eliminates the need for bending. Our long handle shoe horn is made of strong stainless steel and is very lightweight (just 6 oz.). 1-pc. construction, nothing to maneuver or assemble. 20 1/8" long.[{"textkey":1,"title":"Description","text":"An…

    Extra Long Shoe Horn



  2. Long-Reach Clip-On Shoe Horns, Set of 4

    long shoe horns are lightweight for ease of use. Keep an extra set at home, in the car or on the go for hassle-free footwear changes. Set of 4.[{"textkey":1,"title":"Description","text":"Make putting on and taking off shoes a breeze with these Long-Reach Clip-On Shoe Horns. The innovative shoe horn

    Long-Reach Clip-On Shoe Horns, Set of 4



  3. Adult Terry Bib

    …available, including our waterproof shirt protector. Also, don't miss our other daily living aids, such as our extra-long shoe horns, large tube squeezers, grabbers and other clever products that will help you be successful in your everyday tasks.…

    Adult Terry Bib



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