Elevated Head

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  1. Wedge Support Pillow by LivingSURE™         XL

    …with the Wedge Support by LIVINGSURE™ so you can get a better night’s rest. The pillow elevates your head to improve breathing and digestion, helping to reduce snoring and provide optimal support for your head and neck. You’ll also enjoy added comfort and support while reading or watching TV in bed.…

    Wedge Support Pillow by LivingSURE™ XL



  2. Multi Purpose Recliner Cushion

    …the cushion at your head, neck or back to customize your support and reclining position. When lying flat, the cushion can be used as a lumbar support, allowing you to sleep in your recliner. It can even be used as a footrest at the bottom of the recliner when you need to elevate your legs or feet to…

    Multi Purpose Recliner Cushion



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