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Related Categories: Windmill | Tin
  1. Dutch Spice Cookies

    …spicy windmill cookies were traditionally baked just before St. Nicholas’ feast in the Netherlands. Crisp and incredibly flavorful, the authentic Dutch spice cookies are made with fresh cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom and nutmeg—baked to crunchy perfection. Nestled in a gorgeous Delft tin,…

    Dutch Spice Cookies



  2. Scandinavian Dough Whisk by Home Marketplace™

    …dough or gently stirring eggs, this whisk also helps you evenly incorporate add-ins like nuts, chocolate chips and raisins into batters. The unique Dutch whisk design allows wet and dry ingredients to flow through, while the curved wire can scrape bowls like a spatula. Long enough to reach bottom of…

    Scandinavian Dough Whisk by Home Marketplace™



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