Dog Blanket

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Related Categories: Blanket | Pets | Dog | Electric Blanket | Heated Blanket | Item
  1. Self-Warming Pet Blanket

    With a thermo-reflective layer that radiates your pet’s body heat back to him, this self-warming pet blanket provides constant, comforting warmth. Naturally warming without cords, electricity or worry, unique 4-layer construction includes plush, washable fleece on top, thermal insulation, heat…

    Self-Warming Pet Blanket



  2. Tasty Total Comfort Cookbook

    …gave them a modern touch. Easy-to-follow recipes include pigs-in-a-blanket pull-apart bread, fried chicken adobo, surf and turf sliders, Korean hot dogs, huevos rancheros breakfast tostadas and more! Plus fried mini Oreo bites, key lime cheesecake pops, Japanese matcha pudding cups and other amazing…

    Tasty Total Comfort Cookbook



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