Detoxifying Foot Pads

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  1. Lavender Detoxifying Foot Pads, Set of 10

    …at least 8 hours, then remove foot pads in the morning. Easy to use. Safe for all skin types. Set of 10 pads (5 pairs).[{"textkey":1,"title":"Description","text":"These detoxification foot pads remove toxins and impurities from the body naturally while you sleep. The pads stimulate reflexology zones…

    Lavender Detoxifying Foot Pads, Set of 10



  2. Melatonin Detoxifying Foot Pads, Set of 10

    …least 8 hours, then remove foot pads in the morning. Easy to use. Safe for all skin types. Set of 10 pads (5 pairs).[{"textkey":1,"title":"Description","text":"Get more resultful sleep and rid your body of toxins and impurities with these all-natural detoxifying food pads. Infused with melatonin…

    Melatonin Detoxifying Foot Pads, Set of 10



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