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Related Categories: All Candy
  1. Choward's® Guava Candy, 3 oz.

    Enjoy and share the sweet taste of guava fruit anytime with Choward's® Guava Candy. The long-lasting flavor of these pink, nostalgic candies dates back to 1930s NYC, when Charles Howard began concocting his delightful confectionary mints. Today, you can enjoy the same unique, mouthwatering…

    Choward's® Guava Candy, 3 oz.



  2. Choward's® Peppermint Mints, 3 oz.

    Enjoy Choward's® Peppermint Mints made with real peppermint oil for a smooth taste with a hint of vanilla. Your taste buds and your digestive system will thank you for the fresh, minty flavor that dates back to 1930s NYC, when Charles Howard began concocting his delightful confectionary mints.…

    Choward's® Peppermint Mints, 3 oz.



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