Burger Press

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Related Categories: Aluminum | Hamburger
  1. Aluminum Burger Press with Adjustable Thickness

    …1 1/2" thick and anything in between, this aluminum burger press with adjustable thickness shapes made-to-order patties—pleasing everyone at the table! Whether you prefer diner-style thin or beefed-up thick, the adjustable burger patty press renders a perfect 4 1/2" diameter, bun-size patty,…

    Aluminum Burger Press with Adjustable Thickness



  2. Stainless Steel Spatula Tongs

    …power of tongs, these Stainless Steel Spatula Tongs slip beneath burgers, steaks, pancakes or french toast—then clamp down securely for easy flipping, turning or pressing. The clever combination of spatula/tongs means burger patties, meats, veggies and delicate seafood won't drop on the kitchen…

    Stainless Steel Spatula Tongs



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